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HomeTrip Reports 2023

Trip Reports- 2023

Aspen Snowmass 2023
Jan 23-Feb 4 The club trip to Snowmass in Aspen Colorado was a great success. First two days were cloudy with 3-4 inches of fresh snow each day, followed by four days of bright sunny "blue-bird" skiing days. Members skied all over Snowmass Mountain skiing Elk Camp, Big Burn, up to the Cirque, Rock Mountain High and more. Club members also ventured to Buttermilk Mountain and Aspen Mountain. On Wednesday many members took a day off from skiing and went shopping in downtown Aspen or snow-shoed along the ridge of Aspen and/or Snowmass Mountains through the woods and out to stunning views.  Tuesday there was a fun NASTAR ski race and the North Penn "Flying Snow Pigs" Team beat all the other EPSC clubs with the fastest time. We attended the EPSC banquet themed "Playground of the Rich & Famous" some dressed up and some of us danced to a DJ's music. The club had a private Pizza party Thursday, and an Apres Ski party Friday, to use up the extra drinks and food left over from the night before. Saturday club members bid farewell to Snowmass at O-dark thirty to allow the bus 6 hours to get us to the airport 2 hours before our flight back to Philly. All-in-all it was a fantastic trip. Everyone thanks Dave and Laura our trip leaders for their diligence in making this trip run smoothly. Check out other peoples photos from the trip at Photo Albums .Molly already did one! And you can too. See the FAQ and this Pictorial Guide to Adding Photos. Check out Randy, Kara, and Kim's videos from Snowmass on Video Page

Johns Goggles
North Penn Ski Team-
The race team at Snowmass this year consisted of Dave Schoneker, Anne Brinton, Ryan Landis, Barb Landis and Gregg Keeling. Their overall time beat all other clubs participating. Congratulations to the "Flying Snow Pigs" team. Their combined times were good enough for the Gold Medal. Ryan was fastest with 26.10 and 26.86 seconds. Combined totals were 126.79 and 127.38 on the Green and Orange courses respectively. The course was on the Blue Grouse trail.
Ski race on the mtn- Snowmass
After the race we all enjoyed a catered lunch at the end of the race course.
Lunch on Snowmass after Tues Race

Snow shoeing- Aspen Mtn
Snow shoeing along ridge of Aspen Mountain.

Happy North Penn Skiers at the Snowmass Basecamp Conference Center Wednesday night Feb 1, 2023 Gala Dinner.

Winners of the Tuesday NASTAR race!! The "Flying Snow Pigs" had the overall fastest combined times of all EPSC clubs participating. Ryan Landis had the fastest time of all participants. Congratulations.

Saddleback Maine Ski Trip 2023  

Saddleback Maine Ski Trip 2023  
Ten people from EPSC (North Penn, Trenton and the Penguins Ski Clubs) traveled to Saddleback, Maine on February 26th to ski a new mountain that none of them had skied before. North Penn participants had some big time car trouble, but their trip was salvaged by kind Errol NH Motel owners, who actually lent Dave and Gregg their car to continue the trip to Rangeley Maine where Saddleback is located. The hospitality, trust and generosity of these folks in Errol, NH was absolutely amazing!  These people were the nicest people in the world and will never be forgotten by Dave and Gregg. 

Once everyone arrived at Saddleback, the group was treated to some great snow and one heck of a mountain to ski.  Saddleback is a big mountain with runs for every type of skier from expert to beginner.  We had nearly two feet of new snow during the week we were there and the snowy days were interspersed with sunny days so we could enjoy all the great conditions.  The base lodge at Saddleback is really nice and we didn’t experience any crowds while we were there.  We skied right onto the chairs every day.  We stayed in the nice little town of Rangeley at the Rangeley Inn which is a really nice , newly renovated old style New England Inn.  The rooms and public spaces at the Inn were large and very nice, and the Inn had a great restaurant and Bar area where many in the group  hung out on several nights.  The food was excellent and the cozy atmosphere and fireplace was a delight.  On Wednesday afternoon, the group all got together at the mountain in the Tavern area upstairs in the base lodge for an Apres-Ski Party where we all told stories about our great experiences during the week.  We also met some old-time locals (especially Charlie) who joined us and told us lots of interesting information about the history of Saddleback.
   In summary, Saddleback is a ski area that is definitely worth the drive to Maine and is highly recommended to everyone in EPSC clubs for future trips.  If you go, you should definitely stay at the Rangeley Inn.  You won’t be sorry!  Everyone who was on the trip was very impressed with Saddleback and the Rangeley Inn and said that they would definitely consider coming back in the future.

Saddleback Mountain Maine

Blue Mountain Meet-up-Jan 24, 2023 A group of North Penn members met up at Blue Mountain to ski together. We skied the morning and several runs after lunch. Nice time had by all.
NPSC Crew at Blue Mtn Jan 2023
Greek Peak Trip- Jan 17, 2023 we had a 2-night overnight to Greek Peak in Cortland NY. We drove up Tuesday and stayed over at the beautiful Hope Lake Lodge. It was light freezing rain with a few flakes of snow at the top of the mountain on Wednesday. We all had a great time skiing what was open on the mountain Wednesday. However, steady rain forced the group to head home early on Thursday. We had a great time sharing each others company at Apres-Ski get togethers, lunches and dinners. We all look forward to a return trip to Greek Peak possibly later in February. See trip photo album here. 
Crew at Greek Peak 2023
Blue Mountain- Meet at Mountain Trips- During Jan and February many club members go to Blue Mountain, Bear Creek, Jack Frost for Meet-at-the Mountain Ski Trips. Organized via an email list, we ski many days as a group at these local ski areas. So far, during 2022/23 Season one group skied Blue Mountain Dec 21st. Some members got in some early spring skiing Monday Jan 2, 2023 at Blue Mountain. See photo of a trio below. Another large group met up at Blue on Jan 24.
Spring Skiing in Jan

Snow Pig Competition Status Laura Miller with 40 ski days. Gregg Keeling 32 days, Susan Lubbe 29 days, Jane Chambers 32 days, Anne Brinton and Antonia Tripp 20 days, Molly Fisher 16 days. Can anyone beat these total on the slopes? Everyone can report their ski days this season under Surveys. The club member who skis/snowboards the most skit days in each ski season is awarded the Snow Pig Award. Here's what's  been reported so far:
Name Days Skied 2023
Laura Miller 40
Gregg Keeling 32
Jane Chambers 32
Susan Lubbe 29
Antonia Tripp 20
Anne Brinton 20
Molly Fisher 16
Dave Schoneker 15
Alex Miller 9
Frank Prindle 5

 Summer Picnic 2022-Club members met at the Flourtown Picnic Area of the Fort Washington State Park for the NPSC Summer Picnic Aug 11th and caught up on what other members were doing with their off-ski-season time.See Photo Album  Larry and Helen brought their cat and walked him on a leash. To see Ziggy on a leash, check photo in album. Caryl brought her sweet miniature Schnauzer dog.

Primary state of Pennsylvania Snow 2023 🤪